Jonathan Somers-Harris

Jonathan (Jonny) was born and raised by his Canadian Mom and awesomely British Dad in Japan. His father is quite content that Jonny has come to resemble the deviously dashing man he sees in the mirror every morning, while his mother is a bit disappointed that he failed to retain the musical sight reading that she taught him at an early age. Jonny first started sporadically playing guitar at age 10 but never really got started until he turned 13. However, once it became apparent that he could never quite overtake his brother's mad guitar skills he decided to focus on the bass guitar instead, and has been rather pleased by the results so far.

Jonny is currently attending Trinity Western University in BC, Canada, attempting somewhat strenuously to acquire his B.B.A there. He is also considering a minor in worship studies but feels that his lack of music theory may prove to be a hindrance

Jonny would like be a rock star someday but is willing to settle for the business expatriate lifestyle that he has been blessed to partially experience during his final few years in Japan

However, if all else fails Jonny is quite confident that he can fall back on a career as a Model